Spiritual laws - Geistige Entwicklung

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Spiritual laws

Spiritual worldview

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Thoughts are forces or subtle energies to which we can give energy and thus power if we take them up and "think them on".
Thoughts can be charged energetically either with joy, enthusiasm and love, or with by fear, fear or hate. In both cases, the corresponding thoughts can take physical form or become reality.
We can create thoughts ourselves or receive thoughts from outside.
There is also - and this not seldom - the possibility that we get into a thought or feeling field reaching us from the outside and take up the corresponding vibration, be it negative or positive. By the way, the film industry specifically works with this: Emotional situations are deliberately created (e.g. emotion in a love movie, suspense in a thriller or horror movie, identifying offers of action heroes, etc.), with the aim of bringing us into resonance with them.

Law of resonance
When we come into contact with a thought or feeling that happens to match our soul's own frequency or a partial frequency of ours, the frequency of that thought or feeling is transferred to us, as it were, and we begin to vibrate at the same frequency. Especially if we carry such a partial frequency in our unconscious, such an activation from outside - just such a resonance - can occur completely surprisingly.
Resonance means a uniformity of the (psychic) vibration frequency between people, living beings, feelings, ideas or objects. This uniformity of the vibration - or just resonance - lets this commonality - and with it also the connectedness - be perceived as experience. This commonality experience can be very profound or also superficial.

Morphogenetic fields
The biologist Rupert Sheldrake has developed an interesting theory, the theory of morphogenetic fields.
There is a series of processes in nature, which seem to run randomly at the beginning, but with time they settle down to a certain course, as it were. Thereby the probability grows with each time that each later process takes exactly this course again. The more often a certain process takes place, the stronger a kind of sequence or probability field becomes.
Every sequence or process can be understood - physically - as a formation. Therefore Sheldrake speaks of "morphogenetic fields": "morphe" (Greek) means "form, shape", "genetic" means forming over time.
Take, for example, a snow-covered mountain that is uniformly shaped on all sides and on which more and more snow falls. We assume that the sun is not shining, and that the same wind and weather conditions prevail on all sides. At some point, some of the snow begins to move, and an avalanche is created. While at the beginning it is more or less random where the avalanche occurs, with each time - according to Sheldrake - the probability that the avalanche will occur again in exactly the same place increases. Sheldrake calls this a morphic resonance: each process creates a kind of resonance field that grows stronger with each additional process that takes place.
One could say that the theory of the mophogenetic field is a special formulation of the law of resonance.

Like attracts like
Many spiritual schools are convinced that like attracts like. Thus it is already written in the Bible: Who has much, to him more is given, who has little, from him also the little is taken away. Or more prosaically: Many successful people are convinced that money attracts even more money.
The law "like attracts like" also works on the political level: He who wants peace must keep peace. Or even more pointedly: He who wants peace must himself also be peaceful, he who wants truth must himself also be truthful. Conversely, war in turn generates war. Violence begets new violence. Therefore, in the end, terror cannot be successfully fought by violent means, no matter whether this is done by a democratically legitimized state or by counter-terror of an opposing group.

Law of Ease
There are two types of goal achievement: One type is a mechanical effort with a lot of energy until the desired is achieved. The more doggedly a goal is worked on, the more resistance is built up against it - similar to an obstacle in a torrent with a high water level, which at some point can no longer withstand the pressure and is washed away. Such ways of working can lead to burn out or worse. The other way is a playful, light but persistent work towards goal realization. However, this playful way of working is very serious and yet characterized by lightness. This way of working requires a relaxed attitude and is based on an inner detachment.

Everything at the right time and in the right place
Spiritual people are convinced: coincidences are never "coincidental", but they always happen at exactly the right time - either to bring about something or because the causes have been set accordingly. Never does someone become ill just "by chance" at a certain point in time - behind this there is usually a longer history of events, a corresponding environment or even the necessity to have a certain experience.
Often pioneers who want to realize a certain concern are simply "too early" - conversely, there is the beautiful saying: "He who comes too late, life punishes him". So the following rule should be observed: Neither want to force something too early, nor wait too long until the opportunity is over.
The right attitude - and thus the most successful one - is one that can perceive or sense the "right time", but which can also wait patiently until the right time has come.
Undoubtedly, there is also a right place for everything.
Basically, it can be assumed that every person lives exactly in the place that is right for him - at the moment! - is the right one for him. Or in other words: The right place is in principle always where one is at the moment. But the right place can change - and it is important to perceive the right time for a change of place.

Personal responsibility and free will
Every human being is basically responsible for his actions - and accordingly he also possesses free will. Thus, man also has a right to make wrong decisions.
No one may presume the right to decide for other people what is good for them - even if we are so convinced that their decision is "wrong" and our attitude is "right".

You can download a detailed text on this as a pdf file here.

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